This 2 ½ hr class is suitable for beginners.
Hand appliqué is a technique used in many quilts to create floral and other patterns. We will provide basic sewing equipment for you to share to help you get started. We will applique a pattern to a background square to form a 12 ½ in block, which you can put with others to make a sampler quilt like the one above.
You can bring the following supplies, if you have them:
100% cotton fabrics (Pippa Blue has a selection of ‘fat quarters’ for sale)
sewing needle
neutral (cream or light grey) cotton thread
sharp fabric scissors.
Notes will be provided.
Why not join us for a Sunday afternoon class (This class will be re-schduled for a later date, perhaps in February see below for details of how to find out more) and learn some of the techniques to help you make your own family heirloom quilt? For more information
Call into the shop Pippa Blue, Middle St. Galway.
Phone 091 566972
Book online at www.pippablue.com (sewing classes)